Ah the dreaded “About Me” page. The “About Me” page has been irritating since the Myspace days. Since I remember such days of yore that probably gives a good indicator of my age…. I’m a mom of three (Pickle – 6, Daddo – 4, and Petal – baby) and I live in Texas with my flight paramedic husband. I’m a graduate student at a Presbyterian seminary although I’ve made crossing denominational lines a recreational sport. I graduated from University of Houston in 2012 (a long, arduous, but no less miraculous process) with a degree in English. My family participates in one of the nerdiest and most fabulous of living history things called the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronism). This stems from visiting fighter practice in Tulsa with my dad when I was five. You have no idea how much of an impression grown men in full armor can make on an already dreamy little girl brought up on Shakespeare, Monty Python, Star Trek, Saturday Night Live, and the Bible.

My life, like many other mothers, is about balance. Balance of family, care of family, and self care. Balance of responsibility and of obligations. Balance of life and art. Balance of logic and emotion. And the acceptance that balance is not always possible or realistic.